Phone: 6077331111
Raise Your Voice
Updated On: Aug 30, 2019

Brothers & Sisters,

Thousands of our jobs have disappeared thanks to big corporations like AT&T, CenturyLink, and Wells Fargo sending work overseas in order to boost profits at the expense of our members and other working people.

Call your member of Congress TODAY to demand action and keep good jobs in the U.S.Join the #NoMoreOffshoring Day of Action along with thousands of other working people mobilizing to save our jobs.

Dial 1-866-948-8977 to be connected with your member of Congress. Tell the person who answers the phone:

I’m a constituent and union member and I’m calling to urge my member of Congress to support the United States Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act of 2019 (H.R. 3219) and the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act (H.R. 1711) to end offshoring and keep good jobs in our communities.

Congress needs to act now to protect workers and build an economy that works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful!

The U.S. Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 3219) will help stop companies from sending jobs overseas by requiring callers be told the location of the call center to which they are speaking, offering callers the opportunity to be connected to a U.S.-based call center, and making U.S. companies who offshore their call center jobs ineligible for certain federal grants and taxpayer-funded loans.

The No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act (H.R. 1711) will stop rewarding companies that ship jobs overseas and reverses the tax breaks given to employers who send jobs to other countries that was embedded in the Republican Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017.

Keep up the fight for worker power and dignity! Call 1-866-948-8977 to tell Congress NO MORE OFFSHORING!

CWA District 1
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